What Should One Do When Experiencing Dental Sensitivity?

If the enamel is a protection for dentin, it may happen that this protection becomes inadequate if the enamel itself deteriorates. Several situations can explain this degradation of the enamel, in particular, the presence of acid attacks. The vulnerability of dentin can also occur in the event of a gingival recession that can occur as a result of periodontal disease.

A Cedar Creek Dentist can determine how much the dentin has been affected and if additional treatments are needed.

What happens if dentin isn’t protected?

Without adequate protection from the dentin, the tooth transmits directly to the nerve endings any contact with hot, cold, acidity or sweetness. This explains the pain experienced by people with dentin hypersensitivity. Usually, the pain may take the form of acute and frequent attacks.

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Several causes can trigger this pain. These include mechanical actions, such as brushing teeth, contacting teeth with a metal item (silverware), ingesting hot or cold foods or beverages, or taking in too much acid, etc. If dentinal hypersensitivity is generally not serious, intermittent pain on one or more teeth can affect the quality of life of people who suffer from it.

Do not confuse dentinal hypersensitivity and other oral problems

Several oral problems can be the cause of dental pains: the presence of a decayed or cracked tooth, a bruxism problem, etc. However, the pain experienced in cases of dentinal hypersensitivity occurs only after the actions listed above. The causes of dentinal hypersensitivity are numerous. These include gingival recession, erosion of enamel, and exposure of the roots of teeth or root surfaces.

If dentin hypersensitivity is not usually a serious problem, it is important to consult a Cedar Creek Dentist if you think there is an issue. The latter will give you informed advice and adapted solutions.

The need to consult the dentist in case of hypersensitivity

A twice-yearly dental examination can detect and track the progress of dental problems, evaluate the effectiveness of recently received treatments and determine your needs. If you think you are suffering from dentin hypersensitivity and have already applied the solutions suggested by the dentist without any improvement, it is advisable to schedule another appointment with a dentist.